Meet A Mom – Dr. Linda Katz | Peachtree City Moms

Meet Dr. Linda Harriet Katz, Founder of Fayette Chiropractic and Mom to four children: David- 48, Bobby- 50, Emily- 30, and Colby- 23! She is originally from New York City and one of six children. Dr. Katz is extremely passionate about healing and educating her patients through her holistic Chiropractic practice. Dr. Katz currently resides in the beautiful area of Ansley Park in Atlanta. Below, she shares her experience as a Mother of a special needs child, her calling to Chiropractic Care, and of course, her favorite Mom hack! 


Q & A

What is your background? Tell us about your career.

When I was a kid, I used to race my 1972 Cutlass Convertible (that I still own) against the neighborhood kids who had a fancy cars like Corvettes!  I always won, so I wanted to become a race car driver as a career.  However, my dad said ‘no’ to that idea quickly! This led me to lean towards my second choice, which was a veterinarian. I really thought this was the best of both world – being able to work with animals and help them to live better longer.  But in my first job at the Pet Hospital, I got fired for stealing a poodle who was about to be put down because it had incontinence!  I fell in love with this precious dog and ran home with it one night after work! My mother made me take the poodle back and that is when I realized I did not have the heart to be a veterinarian.

I graduated from NYU with a bachelor’s degree in nursing plus a degree in Public Health & Nutrition. After graduation, I was working in the ER as a nurse I developed awful and painful migraines. My migraines were so bad, my face would swell, my eyes would swell, and then I would start vomiting. This was almost daily, and I was miserable. I lost a lot of weight and looked horrible! Back then, the only remedy was medicine, and I was given morphine!  My friend, who was also a nurse, took me to her chiropractor and in just 2 short weeks, my headaches were gone!  I literally applied to chiropractic school the same month.


What called you to become a Chiropractor? 

My experiences with solving my migraines was the catalyst for my choosing Chiropractic as my lane of care. Back then, the only resolve for pain was operations and or strong medication. Chiropractic is a holistic approach to medicine and really leans heavily on the spine being in line. When our spines are in line, we have less interference with the nervous system, which decreases disease, pain, and other body symptoms. Our spine is our ‘master communicator ‘to all major organs like our brain, our arms, and feet and the spine tells everything what to do. 

What is the best thing about your job?

The best part about my job is healing and educating the clients. I am blessed with over 38+ years in practice and I have the honor of taking care of the great-grandchildren of my patients.  I have adjusted parents who I have been with me for decades! Then, the whole family grows healthy and carries on the tradition of chiropractic care as a practice.  Children grow up with less disease and medications because of it! It really makes that big of a difference!

What is your best “working mom” tip? 

My best working mom recommendation is to schedule your time to be with your kids daily or at least weekly. Every night, my daughter Emily knew without a doubt that Mommy would read to her every single night.

Being a mother of a special needs child, and also not having a regular schedule, posed challenges for sure! But time with my children has always been important to me.  My Emily is my miracle child. She has had 8 strokes, she cannot walk, talk, or see.  Her diagnosis when she was born was that she wouldn’t live past 9 months old. As of today, my daughter Emily is 30 and thriving!  She is one of the happiest humans I know and has a miracle smile! Best of all, she knows she is loved!

Spending intentional time with your children helps them know they are part of your life, which is sometimes hard when you are self-employed and a single mom.  With my baby daughter Colby (23yrs), we have scheduled getting our nails done and a pedicure every Tuesday for years. We both treasure the moments and the consistency of the outings.  

What is your favorite “mom hack”? 

As a mom myself who truly believes in holistic care over medication when available, my favorite mom hack is a product I developed out of necessity – The Katz Pack! It’s a dual use ice & heat pack made of natural materials and can last as long as 20 years!

My kids would fall while playing outside, have a “boo-boo” on their bikes, have a sports injury, and need relief. Being able to use the Katz Pack when my kids were injured without them realizing I’m treating them was a game-changer! It was soothing at the same time, preventing longer injuries.

In sports, they would always prescribe to “ice the area”. Ice is hard, heavy and wet. This can be troublesome  to actually “do” and for the length of time to be effective. Our Katz Pack makes ice packs easy! Just place it in the freezer – no mess, no fuss. The Katz Pack also doesn’t get so hot that you burn yourself when microwaved. It’s not a dry heat, so it’s easy to use – especially for teen girls monthly.


You can wash them and put them under water and let it dry. These are great for pets who are healing too! It’s one of the best items I have ever created…(

Katz Packs | – Hot and Cold Packs for Health | Dr. Linda H. Katz

Katz Pack | We Make Life Easier for You


What do you love about Peachtree City and the surrounding areas?

My practice, Fayette Chiropractic, is nestled in the heart of Peachtree City so we cherish our role in this vibrant community.  What I truly love is that family stays connected in this community.  As I stated before, most of my patients have been with me for over 25 years, so I am now treating their grandchildren! 


My staff and I are local moms ourselves, and we hope we help our patients find relief, rejuvenation, and a supportive community within us as well. Every adjustment we make is a step towards enhancing the lives of our fellow community members, and we are honored to be a part of this wonderful journey together. Being a part of this community means not just offering exceptional chiropractic care but also fostering connections and relationships that go beyond the walls of our clinic. 


What TV show are you loving right now? Book? Movie? Podcast?

Well, with so much life to live, I do not watch much tv at all!  I’m currently enjoying reading “The Travelers Gift” by Andy Andrews. It’s phenomenal! As I drive to work or walk on my treadmill, I will listen to positive podcasts by Ed Mylett, and Tony Robbins.




Is there anything else you would like to share with our moms? 

Yes!  Let me tell you about the best part of my day at the office. I absolutely love adjusting  children! It really does my heart good to SEE them feel better, grow up stronger, and understand their bodies.  I talk to all the kid patients and ask them how they feel every time they come in.  To hear them articulate what is wrong, what they have done themselves, and tell me exactly how to help them at their appointment – powerful!


This is why I tell parents to make sure your babies get adjusted early, right after birth even!  The youngest I’ve ever adjusted was 7 minutes old. They will have less earaches, it helps with bed-wetting, and just sleeping better.  Chiropractic is a way of life, and it instills critical thinking for our kids early and teaches them to advocate for themselves!  


Chiropractic care is a great way to create a value system against traditional, non-essential medicine as a first resort.  There are a lot of side effects and allergies with medicine, and it can be costly over time.  The more educated we are, the more we can advocate for our own health. 


Additionally, be sure to stop by our office.  We offer a few essential services: Chiropractic Care for the entire family; Red Light Therapy, a non-traditional approach to weight loss; functional metabolic nutrition (which is how I changed my lifestyle and lost 80 lbs. and kept it off ) and Neuropathy Treatment, nontraditional pain relief.



Red Light Therapy Atlanta 

Phone: 770-461-2225  Mobile: 404-384-3312 

106 Governors Square, STE A, Peachtree City 30369 



Email: [email protected]

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